
Sunday, May 3, 2020

Count Your Covid Gains

I’ve lost so much due to Covid-19.

I've lost track of days, they all start to run together.

I've lost track of the last time I've washed my hair.

I've lost track of how many days in a row my kids have eaten PB&J for lunch.

I've lost my patience trying to homeschool four kids in four different schools while trying to work full-time from home.

I've lost my willpower to eat healthy and motivation to workout.

I've lost a steady paycheck due to furlough.

I've lost my temper from the stress of it all.

But some have lost so much more.

Businesses, homes, and financial security have been lost.

Physical and mental health have been lost.

Lives have been lost.

However, I know as much as I've lost, there could be so much more to lose.

So I choose to focus on the gains.

I've gained more time with my husband and kids.

I've gained the option to live in pajamas.  All day.  Every day.

I've gained time to cook family meals and time to sit down as a family to eat them.

I've gained new adventures with my kids going on nature walks and having picnics.

I've gained family game nights around the kitchen table and movie nights in blanket forts.

I've gained perspective on what's important in life.

I've gained more respect and admiration for teachers and healthcare workers.

I’ve gained a closer bond with my husband and children.

I've gained a closer relationship with Jesus.

This virus can only take away so much.

It is up to you to decide what to do with the rest.

Make it worth it.


1 comment:

  1. Amber,
    Boy, did you ever hit the nail on the head with this one.
    So many blessings to count despite the pain in the butt this pandemic has caused.
    Focusing on the good things in life and being grateful.
    And trusting that God is in control no matter what!
    You've got quite a knack for putting words & thoughts to paper.
    Thanks for bringing a bright spot to these trying days.

    Tell your mom I said "HI Deb"!
    Denise Norris


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