
Saturday, April 25, 2020

Quarantine Perks

Quarantine has it’s ups and downs for sure.

Today was an up day.

Today we focused on the perks.

We didn’t get out of bed until 11:00. We were awake for a couple of hours but the 4 kids and 2 dogs just rotated through to snuggle, hang out, and chat. Well, the kids chatted - the dogs not so much. I can’t remember the last time (if ever) this has happened.  Usually by that time, I’ve taken a class or 2 at the gym, showered and watched at least one of the kids play some type of sport. It was nice to just relax and enjoy the snuggles.

Then Kevin and I sat on the porch and drank a whole cup of coffee. We couldn’t remember the last time we just sat together on the porch with nowhere to be. We think it was 2009. That’s 11 years. ELEVEN. YEARS. I fell in love with this house because of that porch and yet we haven’t had a cup of coffee on it in over a decade. That’s very sad to me. And what’s more sad is it took 11 years and a quarantine to realize it.

Later I took #2 to get ice cream. Just the two of us. He just needed to get out of the house. He’s only been in a vehicle twice in 5 weeks. The kid was going stir crazy. So off we went. There’s something special about one-on-one time and made me realize I need to do this with each of the kids more often.

Then we played a card game and Mickey Mouse Trouble with #3 & #4. There were some tears and a little pouting (they get very competitive) but the giggles outweighed the tears and made it worth it.  It’s not often we’re even home long enough to play a game, let alone two. We need more family game nights, tears and all.

Finally, I surprised the little boys with a glow in the dark bubble bath. I remember doing this for the older kids when they were little but had forgotten all about it until quarantine. It made me realize how much the little guys have missed because we’re on the go so much. I need to remember to do the little things with them before they get too big.

So yes, it sucks not hanging out with friends, not being able to go out to dinner, not being able to run to the store for random things. Yes, I miss my house and yard being filled with kids and friends always dropping in. And Lord knows I miss them going to school. But I am also grateful for the family time. Grateful to slow down. Grateful to relax, sleep in, not be rushed to get from one place to the next. Grateful to be forced to stop and realize just how much there is to be grateful for.

As much as I can’t wait for all of this is over and life to get back to “normal,” I’ll be a sad to see some of these things go. My hope is to keep as many quarantine perks as I can and integrate them into real life to create a NEW normal. One that has fun and friends and activities but still has time for family game nights and front porch coffee and one-on-one time with the kids.

One that doesn’t take a global pandemic to make you stop and realize how much you have to be grateful for.

What does your new normal look like?

1 comment:

  1. I do enjoy sleeping in on Saturdays! Normally I’m trying to keep up with what baseball field we need to be at and what time, at this time of the year. I don’t mind the NTI. But since I’m still working 2-3 of my off days turn into PT homeschool teachers, so Saturday ends up being my only “off day” but I don’t mind it. I help Jace on 2-3 of my off days, he gets his work done for the day and we have the rest of the day to have lunch, plan dinner, go to the store if we need to. It’s nice! And Kara has been a huge help w Jace’s NTI on the days we both work. It’s nice to slow down and enjoy things instead of being rushed to go there and there and divide and conquer instead of being able to do things together. After all of this, I hope we can still find a way to have more meals at home, together and try to relax more and enjoy life before the kids grow up!


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